Public Notice - Improvements to Assumption sanitary and storm sewers
You may have noticed some construction activity around our City! We are currently making improvements to the Assumption sanitary and storm sewers, more commonly known as combined sewers. Improvements include the installation of several new sanitary sewers to separate them from the storm sewers and addition of a new pump station at the existing Leafland pump station. These improvements are being made so that we can continue to treat Assumption wastewater and maintain the quality of the water that is discharged into the Big George Creek. Funding for this project is provided by a low interest loan from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP). The WPCLP is funded by both state and federal resources. The $7,763,068.87 loan has an interest rate of 0.93% to be repaid over 30 years. For more information, please contact Mrs. Janet Waller at City Hall.