New Resident Resources
Welcome to the City of Assumption. Life here is enhanced by the preservation of our local history and the enjoyment of today. Our community combines agriculture, industry, history, civic activities, recreation and countless other events for a wholesome and fulfilled lifestyle, making it an ideal place to raise a family and grow your business.
The following information should help ease the transition of moving into the area for new residents.
Gas and Electric Services (Ameren)
Garbage Service (Wallace Refuse and Disposal 618-699-5388)
Trash pickup for West Side of tracks is scheduled for Thursday starting at 6 am.
Trash pickup for East Side of tracks is scheduled for Friday starting at 6 am.
Recycling is the first and third Monday of each month.
Water Utilities - Contact City Hall
Central A&M School District
Internet Providers (Sparklight) or (Consolidated) or CTI
Newspaper (Golden Prairie News)
Home phone (Consolidated Communications)
Assumption Postal Office
First National Bank of Assumption
First National Bank of Pana (Assumption branch)
Christian County information
Tacusah Outreach Food Pantry. The Tacusah Outreach is open each Saturday from 9 to 11 am. It is located at 104 S Business 51. They offer food, clothes and household items. They also accept donations from the public in good condition. You must live in the Assumption Library District to be eligible for food. An application is required. If there is no application on file an ID and proof of residency is required.